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Innovations Technology, Solutions & Development 

Harlequin Business Associates Ltd rises to the global requirements and challenges of today, bringing innovation and solutions for our immediate or long term needs.


With technology and bespoke engineering methods we are able to create devices and technologies that are essential, ground-breaking and dynamic.

Our research has been pivitol in the support for world health and a brighter future, our involvement has created solutions and patent breathroughs in the field of domestic and industrial energy usage and much more.


Our objectives are clearly to deliver the best intellectual solutions to the modern world. We have adapted our scope to deliver solutions for our clients, for progress in the global market, and also for charity providing support resources and devices as a unique service package at cost prices.


Some examples of where we have been involved. 



- Healthcare Devices

- 'Lab-On Chip' COVID 

- Air Purification COVID

- Temp Sensing COVID

- Asthma Aerators


- SMART Devices PETS

- Industrial Machine Controls


- SMART Energy Devices

- Bespoke Thermal Efficiency

- Electrical Boilers

- Heating & Aircon

- Thermal Home Devices


- Mobility Scooters

- Domestic Lifts

- Electro-Stim Devices

- Muscular Aids

- Circulatory Aids

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